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Monday 13 February 2017

Why We Should Work Everyday – (1510)

Dharma Extinguishes

As with everything, even nature, Master Samael says extinguishes. So our cosmic capital or dharma extinguishes.

We use our dharma everyday that we live, just as we spend money everyday that we live. If we use water, electricity we are spending money. Even if we live completely off the grid we are still consuming things and where does all of that come from? To live we must consume things and we must take things from somewhere.

Increase it Before it Runs Out – Hence Daily Work

The same thing with our dharma. We use our spiritual and cosmic dharma in just living and if we don’t increase it, it will of course run out.

That is why we must work everyday! The more we work the more dharma we accrue and the more we can pay for our way through difficult times and the more we have to pay for the light and help that we need.

Also Consistency

Also results only really come about with consistency. They don’t only come about with consistency, but consistency is a sure fail safe way of making results happen. You can’t go wrong with consistency, well you can if you are consistency doing things wrongly.

End (1510).

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