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Wednesday 22 March 2017

Abandon of Reason = Absurdity of the Abyss – (1612)


There are levels of learning within the abyss. The first level of learning concerns the first three Dantean circles, where the main lesson to be learnt is to not abandon one’s reason to pleasure and that pain always comes after pleasure.

The Abyss is the Place of the Absurd

Only what is absurd can lead us to destruction or to nullity. What is correct what is logical and has reason leads to construction, balance and the right order of things, leading to the ability to maintain and sustain itself for as long as is required, allowed or needed. What is absurd collapses by itself in little time.

The abyss is the absurd, it is the surrender of reason to the lower passions which create destruction.


Reason is what allows us to be with ourselves and absurdity is what loses ourselves. With reason, common sense, consciousness we can possess ourselves. In the abyss we lose ourselves to the second death and to nature.

Reason is an attribute of the Divine in us, as it follows order, balance. There is also the objective reason of the Being which is a reasoning based on the data from the consciousness. Reason can be seen as the logic of the consciousness.

Reason is what causes us to stand upright and this is reflected in our body. Our head which reasons which provides us with intelligence is the on top of every other part and it is the first point of contact with the heavens.

Reason centred in the head rules at the top of the body and is the first point of contact with the forces of above. 
This means that it is written in the Universe that reason must control the inferior impulses and passions.

Lesson Learned Equals Freedom

To free ourselves from these two circles of the abyss we have to learn this lesson and establish firmly this structure within our psyche which is that reason must rule the inferior passions, pleasure costs dearly and pain always comes after pleasure.

Addictions are the Abyss Taking Over Life on Earth

Just something else, when a person has some sort of addiction, it means that their life is now rules and defined by that addiction. An addiction is when that things has grown so much that it over takes their life and that is absurd, because it is a small area of life that has been blown out of its orbit and come to take charge when it has no place being in charge. It is like the house hold cat is in charge of the house. Obviously that would spell disaster because the cat is totally incapable of paying the bills and cleaning. This situation reflects once again the absurdity that reigns in the abyss.

Of course what human beings get addicted to are usually things of an inferior order, such as drugs, alcohol, sexual misconduct, pornography, video games, social media, food, sugar, coke, internet, masturbation etc. etc.

End (1611).

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