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Friday 10 March 2017

Bad Day - About Eating Pork – (1579)


This has not been a very productive day for the work on oneself, and it reflects in what I am posting here, a post about eating or not eating pork! Mama Mia!

A Momentary Connection with what we Eat

For the briefest moment when we eat for example a piece of meat we can perceive a psychic connection being created between our psyche and the animal that the meat we are eating has come from.

We may for a second perceive the life of the animal and a little bit of a residue of the vibratory charge of the animal and its life rubs off onto our psyche (because of the connection). Whether this connection is convenient, inconvenient or neutral to us, all depends with who the connection is to.

Some Connections

An animal such as a pig for example, being an animal that does not exhibit the most inspiring or noblest characteristics, creating a connection to such an animal may not be convenient to someone who wants to dissolve from their psyche any of the heavy animal characteristics.

If we don’t eat pork we should really also be strict with ourselves to not strengthen any egos in our system via identification and fascination. This is to make the resolve not to eat pork conscious and consistent and worthwhile in our work and life.

Many people don’t perceive this connection and so they don’t see a reason why not to stop eating pork especially when it is customary in their family home and in the society in which they live.

It is not so bad to be briefly connected to a cow, a fish, a sheep or a chicken. These animals do not have such heavy atomic egoic charge and their psyche if we can call it that, is not so heavy or involuting.


Basically I don’t eat pork because of the taste is not that appetising for me and because of this inconvenient psychic connection. If we repeatedly eating pork obviously strengthens this psychic connection and there can be more of a accumulation of this psychic residue rubbing off onto our own psyche. But really it is not much compared to what we do when we are careless with the work on the ego. I notice that what is complete and the best thing to do is to not eat pork and be vigilant always in not strengthening the egos that we have that are related to the egos that seem to be predominant in pigs.

End (1579).

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found this post very useful, thanks for this info.

    - LC
