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Thursday 2 March 2017

Degeneration Takes Time – (1560)


Just like generation and regeneration, degeneration takes its time. It does not occur in an instant. What is alarming is how slowly or long it can take to work.

If we are working on ourselves, wee of course don’t have to worry about this at all. What I want to do with this post is to share some observations on the subject of degeneration. Which unfortunately is very easy to observer in this current day.

Unfortunately, humanity since the fall has been degenerating and the current state of degeneration that we find ourselves in now has been arrived at over some several million years Master Samael tells us.

Sure Sign of Degeneration

When observing these strange people that have ended up becoming quite bizarre such as: Michael Jackson, General Gadhafi and the many others that I just can’t think of at the moment what is clear is that they started out quite normally with a lot of genuinely interesting ideas and promise. However, they as time progressed ended up becoming very degenerated.

When Degeneration Touches Sexuality

The for sure sign of degeneration is when a person goes to become sexually deviant. Then when that is obvious or clear their end is very close. Degeneration always touches sexuality, in fact sexuality used wrongly actually fuels degeneration or accelerates it.

Within sexuality is the power to generate, regenerate and degenerate. For that reason sexuality is a very causal power. It is in fact very linked to the Law (Divine Law).

Observe with Clinton and with Kennedy it was the same. When it was known that they were misbehaving in the sexual area their end came pretty quickly.


The very interesting thing is that while a person still has a percentage of essence the possibility exists to regenerate. It was Paracelsus that said a man can be regenerated from the smallest particle.

The key though is in time. As degeneration takes time, regeneration does too. Over our cycle of lives we have been degenerating and now it is time to regenerate having the Gnostic studies at our disposal. The trick is that our regeneration must start before the cycle is closed. If it has started for us now, it means that there is time now and we can’t waste it!

End (1560).

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