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Monday 20 March 2017

Gnostic Plebes – (1603)


This may seem to be the most derogative title and post I have come up with so far. Though what I want to stress in this post is for us to be aware of a certain law or principle of the path.

Those Below are Used to Test those Above

It happens that those who are below say an initiate or Master, are used as instruments at times to test or help (usually through some sort of a problem or difficulty) the initiate or master that is above them on the path.

The reverse can happen as well, but not as frequently. Those that are above are not used, they instead set the tests, which is very different to being used as an instrument.

There are very many accounts where Master Samael tested his disciples and students, physically and internally.

Can’t be Avoided Sometimes

We are all linked, and at times the students or those below a Master or an initiate, are used to provide the conditions and circumstances for the tests or scenarios so that master can further raise him or herself. This is because those that are around an initiate or Master are 'humanity' for the Monad of that Master or initiate, and humanity is always the one that provides the scenarios and circumstances through which the initiate or Master has to raise him or herself along with the help of the Master's inner Typhon.

Those that are Used

Those that are used to help the initiate suffer too, it is difficult for them to be used in the process of those who are above. They suffer because their egos do things that their essence does not want to do.

The ego is used to test or provide these difficult scenarios and the ego acts because it is suffering or  is hurt. It is usually pride, envy, self-importance, self-love, ambition and selfishness that provide the many difficult circumstances for the one who is above.

We may not want to be used out of pride, we say: “let someone else do that or fulfil that role”, which is a legitimate enough request, if one does not have this attitude coming from one's pride, but rather from the wish to not suffer and not be the instrument of making another suffer.

Concluding Advice

Be aware of your subconscious, your attitudes and your conduct and try hard to not be one of them. The best policy is always to be clear and clean in our subconscious, in our attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

If we are clean and clear we may still be used but unknowingly, and being clean and clear it is not so bad. The more alert and aware we are though the better,becasue we can quickly jump out of the scenario and mitigate anything that may happen or is happening.

End (1603).

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