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Wednesday 22 March 2017

If in Trouble, It is Worth Checking out your Reference Point! – (1609)


If a situation or an ego is giving you some trouble, try looking at the reference point from which all of your psychological processes that are giving you grief are coming from.

Is Your Reference Point…?

Is the reference point the past? Is the reference point an expectation? Is your reference point your resentment? Is the reference point your idea of what is good or wrong? Is your reference point a belief that you have about something? Is your reference point your fear? Is your reference point about saving money?

Find it!

Find the reference point and as soon as you have found it you are very close to changing the whole way that you feel!

Change it!

Once you have the reference point from which your psychology is processing things from, change it to another one. A reference point that is more correct, one that is within you, one that is in the work or in your consciousness or Being.


Then focus the event and your psychological processes from the new reference point and hen watch the magic happen within you.

End (1609).

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