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Monday 6 March 2017

Indulging Any Ego Causes a 'Crash' – (1567)

A ‘Crash’

If a person indulges an ego for too long a kind of a natural crash happens.

This is because every process has a natural limit and every process brings a result. With the result being either constructive or destructive.

Indulged for Too Long

If the ego is indulged for a long time then comes the limit of the negative consequences on our system. Our system can no longer stand this ego being indulged and so a ‘crash’ as we can call it happens.

A crash is where we may feel very fragile emotionally and intellectually, where we may even feel sick or unwell and where we may stop our work because we simply are not capable of fighting as we normally do. It seems that we can only work on recovering our normal state.

If a 'crash' is experienced connect to nature to gather strength and vitality and speed up your recovery
There is a certain magic in nature that can heal and revitalise.
Nature can be your garden or local park.

This crash resets our system, throws the indulgent ego out of system and gives our body and psychology time to recover.

Be Smart Use the Experience of the ‘Crash’ to Strengthen the Resolve

When the body and our psychology are back to normal, this ego returns, and if one is smart one can use the experience of the crash to strengthen one’s resolve to not identify with this ego anymore or at the very least do one’s best to not feed it.

A wise person prevents a crash way before it can happen by not feeding any ego!

End (1567).

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