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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Make Your Decision – Are you are here to Receive Love or to Give Love? – (1624)


This is a decision that we can come to consciously make at one point or another in our life. I think that it is worth doing. It can change your life and the quality of your life! 

One Side is Better

One side is better to live out than the other.

We may make this decision unknowingly in life and after realising one day that we have opted for one side, we can always reverse it and make a new decision, this time benefitting from the experience we have gathered in life.


For sure though to decide to be here to give love is to set yourself free. And to be like the Sun.


To decide to want to receive love is to set up before yourself: periods of dependency, anxiety, stress, dissatisfaction, lacking and empty feelings, insecurity all especially if we identify with receiving love. It may also mean that if we do love in return it is relative to the love we receive” “you don’t love me I don’t love you”.

What About Balance

But what about balance someone says. Remember balance is not to give love than receive love in equal amounts. It is to choose one side and then moderate that side using balance.

If you decide that you are here to love then to love and love when that love is going to waste is silly, that is where you need to bring into application the principles of balance to moderate the love you give so that it is appropriate and produces the right results.

End (1624).

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