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Thursday 2 March 2017

Infraconscious, Violence and Possible Motive – (1564)


Human beings have three levels to their consciousness. There is the conscious level, the subconscious and then there is the infraconscious. The ordinary human being carries around with them facets of themselves unknown to themselves. Those unknown facets are dormant in the subconscious and in the infraconscious.

The worst facets of ourselves lay dormant in our subconscious and the infraconscious. At some point we have to face them. This is because as our consciousness expands it has nowhere else to expand into but our subconscious and infraconscious, just as when we turn on the light in our room the light from the light bulb expands into the darkness of the room, transforming darkness into light.

What is quite shocking and painful is to see and then have to accept what we have in our subconscious and infraconscious. But this is mandatory if we want to awaken more and die more within ourselves. We must see, we must accept, we must comprehend and we must beg for elimination.

The violence that we have within is certainly a very subconscious and infraconscious element in human beings.


Perhaps one of the worst things is violence and perhaps humanity is characterised by its cruelty and violence. The many wars, the many atrocities, the many cruelties etc. that have been and are still going on today I think and feel constitute the worst side of humanity. The side that alarms all of us the most.

So we can help humanity the most by eliminating our own inner violence.

One Base of Violence is the Ignorance of how to Love

A reason for violence I have mentioned before is compensation or a lack of balance but there are other reasons as well and here is one.

Because we lack love and even because we don’t know how to love, we hurt and hurt another until we feel some kind of remorse or some kind of strange feeling that we have reached their vulnerability by causing them pain and we feel sorry for that and then a kind of a feeling of being sorry and love or tenderness emerges.

Sometimes true feelings for another person begin this way. When we see that we have hurt them we create the conviction to never do that again and we don’t. A real conviction of doing the right thing by them can emerge and we can hold to that for the rest of our life, so something real can emerge. The only lamentable thing is that violence in the mind, word and in the worst case, physical violence had to be used to get there. This is of course not at all the right way!

I would say that when this behaviour becomes a habit and then transforms into an ego, the egos of sadism and masochism are created.

We should love before doing this or even better without doing this. But we don’t know how to. There are ways and we must start with respect, with self-remembering, seeing that they are an essence of a Divine Monad and we can love them by dying in ourselves, bit by bit slowly. Even asking ourselves deeply and intimately, do we really want to see another suffer, or do we really want to cause another harm? Sometimes being honest we do and we don't care, if that is the case we have to go deeper and ask a deeper side of ourselves. Use our imagination, see them crying, suffering, is that what we really want? Even if they suffer because of us we are going to be suffering the same later on?

End (1564).

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