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Wednesday 8 March 2017

Some Details About Physical Death – (1577)

Two Best Ways of Dying Physically According to Master Samael


Master Samael says that this way of dying is very interesting, because as one is drowning one unfolds from the physical body consciously and is capable of consciously witness the whole process of disincarnation.

This way of death allows the person to die consciously, so from the consciousness point of view is the better way to die physically.

If one however, has enough consciousness one can also die consciously in a circumstance not involving water and drowning. If one does not have enough consciousness to die consciously in normal circumstances, a death by drowning awards the person with a conscious death.

Lighting Strike

Master Samael says that lightning is something emanating from the Absolute, from the Great Almighty Cosmic Common Father. So to die by lightning strike is no coincidence and is to receive a gift from the Absolute and is to be charged with a tremendously powerful energy that no doubt would also enter the consciousness making it very lucid.

Where the Ego Goes when the Essence is Awarded a Vacation in the Superior Worlds

Master Samael says that when a person dies there are three possibilities awaiting that person. They are: 1.) a vacation in the superior worlds, 2.) a return to the physical world and 3.) a descent into involution.

With option 1.) a vacation in the superior worlds, Master Samael says that a separation occurs where the egos of the deceased person are sent into the region of the abyss known as ‘limbo’ or in Gnostic terms as the first region of the inferno or the first Dantean circle corresponding to the first region of the Earth’s infra-dimensions.

Then once this separation has occurred the essence is free to travel into the superior worlds where it learns, receives illumination, acquires much spiritual strength and perhaps even decides to work for the self-realisation of the Being in the next life.

End (1577).

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