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Wednesday 15 March 2017

Save Energy to Be and Remain Awake – (1592)


To be awake as much as our capacities and abilities will allow, we need energy. To maintain our state of being alert wake we need energy, that is an imperative!

Sometimes we find ourselves with enough energy and sometimes we find ourselves with little energy. This post is addresses these two scenarios: when we have enough energy and how to maintain it and when we lack energy and how to boost our reserves.

Have Enough Energy - Need to Maintain Energy

This is easy, we have to start being alert and continue being alert. This will certainly prevent us from wasting the energy available to our consciousness.

This works because when we are alert or being aware of our thoughts and emotions we can actually stop the thinking and identification processes, which are the one that really use up large quantities of energy.

As our system is always generating energy, this is because we need it to live, we end up increasing our energy reserves by not wasting it. It is very much like money. As we work we earn money and if we don’t spend frivolously our money reserves increase.

Lack Energy - Ways to Generate Energy

This is the situation where we try to be alert and aware and then in ten seconds we have lost the state and we can’t maintain it. We need energy in this case!

We though have to straight away practice being aware so to start saving the little energy that we do have available.

To gather energy we need to resort to esoteric means. Physical means are not that effective. They may help but esoteric means feed the consciousness much more.


Prayer to our inner Being or another Divinity asking for help in the form of energy, force etc. so to be more awake is helpful.


To transmute the sexual energy is one of the best ways to generate energy. It actually charges our consciousness with new energy which has been extracted from our sexual energy.


Doing some runes such as the Rune FA, Rune ISIS, Rune UR etc. are very good to bring some energy to us. However, make sure that you direct that energy into your consciousness.


Some mantras are excellent at relaxing our whole system and saving energy and bringing new energy from our inner reserves.

The following mantras are very good to do this:
  • OM


Remembering our inner Being as often as we can is the best way to save our energies and bring new energy. Each mini consciousness shock is a new bolt of energy.

End (1592).

1 comment:

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