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Tuesday 7 March 2017

We Don’t Lose Love – (1569)

From a Certain Person Yes

From a certain person yes, we may lose love. They may not love you anymore but love will still come to you through others who love you.

This may not refer only to sexuality but in general this is true in many occasions of life when love is at work.


Because we have love inside of us and love attracts love. Love is in our essence and in our Being and it may be because we love and have loved, that love is owed to us and so it must still flow to us, and flow it will somehow through various others.

The love of our Being may flow down to us through many others. Others we may not even know very well.

We Can't Lose Love

We can’t lose love, because it is in our very Being (to lose love would be to lose our Being) it flows from many sources, the thing with us is that we get very attached to it having come from one particular source. One particular form. What is important it seems, is that love flows no matter what the source is, and this it seems is what we must come to accept and be fine with at times.

End (1569).

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