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Wednesday 8 March 2017

When what we have Always Been Afraid of is here Now – (1575)

It is not that bad is it? Oh well it is bad but not that bad. It will pass.

We are in it right now and we can’t do anything to reverse it. We just have to go through it. The only way out is through and the only way through is in (surpassing it from in the inside, within our psychology).

There is nothing else to do but to get through it and overcome it. That is the order of the day, week, month however long it takes.

It seems that it is here now for us to surpass. That is our job that we have been charged with. To not fulfil this job only seems to open a future of suffering or a path lost on the way side.

It even seems that it was always going to happen. The signs were always there from the beginning. The stress that was always there in the background was the effort of trying to not see and not accept those signs.

End (1575).

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