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Sunday 12 March 2017

Which Should I Lean Towards? Awakening or Death? – (1581)

What’s Best for You?

The answer is what is best for you in accordance with your experience. However, I am going to make a suggestion as it has been presented to me.


Lean towards awakening! Why? Because when more awake we can understand more and die more. That is, die more efficiently and in more depth.

How and Why (Advantages)

  • Being more awake one can observe the ego more completely and in more detail.
  • One can more readily not strengthen or feed the ego.
  • One can see the ego wishing to surface from the subconscious and therefore keep it somewhat isolated (in accordance with our degree of consciousness) from our psyche.
  • Being more awake one has found one’s reality (partially, increasing in depth as we progress) in consciousness and identification with the ego is much less immediate. There is a choice and a space to be crossed before identification can occur.
  • Being more awake, there is more space within our psyche for its processes to occur without the interference or with less interference of the various egos.
  • One has much more possibility of dying being awake, meaning that one has the apprehension and comprehension of the deep motives and reasons of the ego.
  • If the ego resuscitates, the deep motives of the ego which were previously apprehended and comprehended by the consciousness remain in the consciousness. Allowing the work on the ego to be retaken more fluidly and with more directness, than if one died in those egos via insistent mysticism and action, without having apprehended and comprehended the deep motives of the egos.
  • One is able to transform impressions on the spot a lot more readily. Less of the a posteriori transformation of impressions is required. 
  • One is able to give the more correct answer to the events of life, because being more awake one sees the reality of things in the events of life. When we don't see the reality we obviously make wrong judgements and mistakes follow.
  • One is able to mitigate one’s karmic programming being more awake. Because one has some separation from the subconscious. The subconscious is the element through which the karmic programming functions.


55% or 60% of our efforts towards awakening and 45% or 40% towards death. Death is absolutely needed. Without it one will be endlessly separating the ego from the consciousness.

End (1581).

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