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Monday 3 April 2017

A Brief Esoteric View of the Earth's Mountains – (1631)


Every feature on the planet fulfils a certain cosmic function related to the life of the planet.

We don’t often see mountains as fulfilling a function we often see them as just happening to be there as the result of two or more tectonic plates colliding and pushing up against each other.

At the very best we may just see them as elements that assist the water cycle, causing air laden with moisture to rise quicker and later condense and form rain in the valleys below. However, there is always more to things…

A Certain Function

Mountains just as every other geological feature on the Earth fulfil a certain function.

The Earth is a living organism and just as our body has its organs, its senses, its blood, its energy, its certain special fluids, its bones etc. so does the Earth.

The Earths' mountains are an important feature of the Earths' living constitution.

The Earths' mountains serve as gigantic aerials through which the Earth communicates with the cosmos and the superior worlds.

Water and Mountains

Mountains are also the birthplace of water. Water has its origin in the mountains, and this is why water is so special, water is impregnated with vibrations and heavenly fluids that have descended from the cosmos and the superior worlds.

We know that life has its origin deep within the cosmos, from within the Absolute. As we can not have life without water it goes to show that mountains and water are something very special. Something some people call holy or sacred.

Mountains in Esotericism

Many mountains in many cultures are regarded as sacred and as the dwelling place of Gods and heavenly spirits. Just like Mt Olympus. Even the path to back to our Being consists of climbing three mountains.

To be near mountains or to climb mountains is to be closer to point where cosmic forces are received into the Earth. It is also to be in a sacred or holy place as things upon the tops of mountains are purer: the air, the water etc.

We also have mountains within ourselves. Where at the top of these inner mountains we find the higher parts of ourselves.

End (1631).

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