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Tuesday 11 April 2017

Chastity Brings all the Order that we Need – (1644)


Chastity brings all the order and respect into your life that is proper to you.

The opposite brings the opposite: disorder, difficulty and disrespect.

Chastity remember is transmutation or the wise use of the sexual energy for our genuine inner benefit.

All Because

This is because the sexual energy working in decent harmony within us sets the foundation down for the higher ethical principles to flow through us.

Water and Roots of the Tree

Each human being is a tree and sexuality is a great root system connected to a tree. It is our water and our roots. If our waters are calm and in harmony, that is they are being used in working for our higher good and for our inner benefit and for our inner Being what will be drawn up our roots are positive values and they will bear positive fruit or fruit conducive or aligned with the higher principles of our Being.

If our waters are polluted because they are being used to obtain pleasure and more pleasure, what will be drawn up our roots will be water filled with desire that is not very destructive and it will bear fruit in our life that is bring disrespect, disharmony, difficulty, ruined relationships, weakness, illness, regret, lament etc.


Our sexual system is water and roots that bear fruit. So it is a very causal system!

End (1644).

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