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Monday 10 April 2017

Esoteric Education - (1642)


There is so much to the topic of esoteric education. One topic is the right choice of reference points and the other topic is balance. If we have the right reference points as a guide and we are balanced or at least know that we have to reach balance, and we know to reach balance, we are pretty well equipped for our life in esotericism.

Reference Points

To guide us esoterically we need reference points. The doctrine serves as a reference point. The work on ourselves serves as a reference point. Esoteric teachings serve as reference points and our own consciousness and nature serve as reference points.

Even our own common sense is a reference point and our own feeling and instinctive centre is a reference point as well.

It is also good to know what does not serve as a reference point, and these are personality, ego and mind.

Even for me the book “Yes there is a Hell, Yes there is a Devil, Yes there is Karma” serves as reference book of reference points. Because all the errors that human being s make are present tin this book and they are reference points because they tell us what we should not do if we don’t want disorder, failure and disintegration.

Balance Achieved when the Lesson is Learnt

To reach balance means we have learnt the lesson in a complete way. To reach balance means to know both sides and to take the experience of both sides and to create comprehension about the right way to go about things.

If we don’t see both sides, we don’t have the necessary elements to create the intelligence or the comprehension about which is the right way. We can only know the right way once we have seen both sides.

End (1642).

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