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Wednesday 12 April 2017

Fire – Esoteric Education 4 – (1652)

Best Fire

Part of our education is to know which fire is the best. The best fire is a steady fire. A raging fire is for those who are feeding their passions.

Cared For

Fire needs to be cared for, so that it does not grow too large and become destructive or become too small and extinguish.

If our inner fires are high we are like the Earth in its first primordial state, with much upheaval going on. This is a state where we are being ruled by our passions.

Our Fire

Our fire is the same as fire that we can study outside of ourselves. It follows the same principles.

What is our fire? Our energy, our consciousness, our will etc. Our life is our fire. On a very human level it can be seen as our enthusiasm.

Things have fire in them. When it is liberated we see fire. A match has fire latent within it. When it is struck, the friction of the match head on the match box releases the fire latent in the match head.

Fire is that which is released and what is released is energy and the consciousness that was in those atoms.

Fire serves always as a vehicle to take things from a rough, dense state to a subtler state. It serves to liberate and transform, and to transform radically. Not just half or two thirds or a third but completely!

When we light a fire we prepare a triangle. There is paper at the bottom and on top of the paper is the kindling and above the kindling are some heavier pieces of wood and above the heavier pieces of wood are the logs arranged in the form of a pyramid or triangle. Fire catches on in stages from the subtle to the denser.

Meaning it moves from the causal to the mental to the astral to the physical. This is very good to know about our own fire. Because we know where it begins and how it moves and where it is to end up. The natural goal of fire is to end up in the physical to be useful to provide light, warmth and be an agent of transformation.

End (1652).

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