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Monday 3 April 2017

Higher Principles are Closer to the Being – (1628)


The Higher Principles are closer to the Being, and the Being in us is the Legitimate master.

Superior Principles

A man overtaken by lust, is one who has lost himself to his interior nature and passions, such a man is one whose life is ruled by these lower passions.

A chaste person is one who is in possession of him or herself and his or her life. Which is the one who has his or her superior nature and principles governing his or her life. The Being in us is the one that comprises these superior principles. But the Being can encompass both principles, the inferior and the superior.

Go to the Being with Superior Principles

The Being uses the superior to master the inferior. The Being is the superior principles and it has the power to master the inferior principles. The higher up the sephirotic tree we go, the closer we are to the Being and we find the Being at the top of the tree.


To approach our inner Being we have to embrace the superior principles and use the superior principles to master the inferior. This sit he true order of all things.

The inverse order is the abyss.

End (1628).

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