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Friday 28 April 2017

Remedying Imbalances Caused by the “I” of Self-Love – (1676)


With the people and in the special situations that involve love, self-love is present. Now, this could be the “I” of self-love or the self-love of the consciousness.

For most of us it is usually the ego of self-love that comes to tend to the business that occurs in these situations.

Note, the difference between the self-love of the ego is that it feels love towards us through others. That is when others are happy with us and they express their love we feel love towards us. When they are not happy with us we dislike them because we feel debased and unkind towards ourselves.

Balance Books

As often happens, our ego of self-love gets hurt and so we feel a kind of an imbalance, and a sense that something was unfair. And that makes us unbalanced inside of ourselves. We feel that we have to somehow go and right that unbalance.

We usually do it by getting angry at the other, becoming demanding or sad, or sulking or using some sort of sabotage tactics to get back at them and indirectly let them know that we are upset and that they should right their wrong.

Right Way to Right the Imbalance/Debt

The right way to right the scale is to immediately go to use the right self-love which is to love inwards and upwards to go to the Being in us and begin by loving the Being that dwells within. Love that energy of life, that conscious stream of life that emanates from the place all of us come from. To love the Being in us is also to love the origin of our Being which is the Absolute and it is also to love others.

The more love we have given to others the more and better we can love our Real Interior Being.

End (1676).

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