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Sunday 23 April 2017

Water Overcomes Fire - (1668)


When it comes to physical facts, water as an element usually overcomes the fire. 

It is only when the amount of fire present is much greater than the amount of water present, will the result be that fire overcomes water. 

When water overcomes fire, the fire is lost and the result is a black paste that is mostly of no good to anyone.

For the meeting of fire and water to be useful and constructive there must always be a kind of barrier between the two. 

With this barrier in place fire can operate on water, transforming it and liberating the energy hidden within it. 

This artifice of a barrier is wised used in practical life and especially in what concerns us more, in Alchemy. 

Fire and Water in Alchemy

When water overcomes fire, there is the loss of the sexual energy and the extinguishing of fire. The result is the black paste which is no good for anyone, and this black paste is lust.

The barrier between fire and water is perfectly put in place with the great modus operandi of Alchemy which is to never lose the ens seminis.

Not losing the ens seminis maintains the fire and allows the fire to operate on the water (mercury or raw sexual energy) to extract the spirit from it which is the metallic soul of the mercury (metallic means value, and soul refers to the spirit of the energy).

The operation of fire is always to liberate energy and consciousness. Which is actually its own nature. Fire is energy certainly and consciousness certainly. Fire always unites itself with itself. Fire acts on something to liberate itself that is trapped within its material form.

That is why the Christ is also fire, he redeems what is of himself. He redeems the essence from within trapped within the ego.

End (1668).

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