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Thursday 6 April 2017

We Care Most Our Psychological Life, Yes Even More than Our Physical Life – (1640)

Die for Values

Human beings die or risk their physical life all to keep intact their psychological values. We do anything to preserve our psychological values, even if it means to put our health at risk. That shows us what is really important to human beings, is not eh physical body but the values that we have. We happily go to war and die in battle for what? For values!

Values – Most Important!

The most important things in human being is our set of values.

Based upon these values we create our life. We don't risk our life to save a precious heirloom we risk our life out for our value of attachment to that heirloom. We don't care about that heirloom but about our value of attachment. What that heirloom means to us is what we risk our lives for. Our values are expressions of our sense of meaning.


What are our values? Whatever they are, whether we are aware of them or not they are running our lives.

End (1640).

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