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Sunday 30 April 2017

When there are Wounds – (1681)

Injuries in the Psyche

When there are wounds or injuries in our psyche, which we can also go by the names of emotional scars, emotional wounds, imbalances, untransformed impressions and finally egos or “I’s” we tend to take things that are said or that happen as a repeat of that same injury or as a reopening of that injury.

Example - Rejection

For example, when we have injuries still in our psyche to do with rejection, it is so easy for us to take the harsh words of others in the way of rejection. Even when the other person may not be meaning to reject us, but because we have those untransformed impressions of rejection present in our psyche we take those words or impressions in the painful way of rejection.

If we were to take those words without thinking, without interpreting or allowing our mind to make any movement, we would watch the coming and going of the words and the coming and going of the event and then we would move onto the next event in our life, just as naturally as the way water flows. In other words, there would not be any pain.

However, we have to make the effort to be very alert and to not allow the mind to think. It would be good though to not have to make a super effort and for us just to be able to observe the mind to be as it is. For this we need to have healed up those wounds of our psyche or in other words have transformed those impressions or have at least weakened those painful egos there in our psyche.

Need to Heal

So then we understand that we need to heal those wounds, which are just the same really as dissolving those egos in us. In a more scientific sense those wounds are really imbalances (injustices) inside of ourselves. Before being imbalances (injustices) they were errors in perception and misallocations of reference points.

Healing is Reversing this Errors

The wounds that we have in our psyche are actually a combination of karmic debts (things we still have to pay) and active wrongly directed psychological processes.

Healing is the process of knowing the right flow and establishing the right flow of these psychological processes at the same time diminishing the wrong flow. The more the wrong flow is diminished the more the right flow can be established. The right flow when applied to these wounds heals them. Sometimes slowly and gradually and sometimes remarkably quickly.


Some posts to come will be about some tips to apply in healing such wounds.

End (1681).

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