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Sunday 28 May 2017

Esoteric Payment Currencies & Consistency – (1739)


Here below is a description of the currencies through we can pay for the results that we seek. We’ll start off with from the lower paying currency to the higher paying currency.

Sporadic effort is like a currency of brass (AUD). Consistent effort  is the currency  of silver (USD) and consistent
 effort plus super effort is the currency of gold.

Consistency is the Currency that Pays Highly

If we are looking for a currency in life that will pay handsomely, it is consistency. If we fail at something, it is most of the time due to a lack of consistency.

Relationships falter due precisely to this, a lack of consistency. Consistency kills contradictions.

Brings Results

Consistency in anything brings results. It is highly constructive, and it pushes progress along. Everything in life is only ever built with consistency and constancy. Observe the way a building is built. Construction workers work at it really every day. If they were to come every three days, the building would probably never go up. Because they would spend most of the time repairing what has been damaged by the elements and vandals, during the time that the building was left unattended.

Why it is So Important!

Consistency works because it counteracts resistance, opposite forces as well as the laws of involution and entropy.

Consistency is such a high currency because it conquers much of our lower nature, which includes the resistance from nature outside of ourselves and as well as our inner nature.

Pinnacle Achievement of Consistency

Our consciousness strives to be continuous. It is really useful to us when it is continuous. To bridge the gap between death and life, is the pinnacle result of consistency. To cause our consciousness to be continuous from life to death and back to life again, is the pinnacle achievement of consistency.

To be constant and consistent is to make our consciousness present continuously when we apply it to the field of the consciousness.

To be searching for consciousness in one life and doing the same in the next is an achievement of consistency. The consciousness is consistent and so consistency in the field of consciousness takes us closer to consciousness.

Sporadic Effort is a Lower Currency

We often practice for a long time for a few days then stop, and later take it up again, and most of the time when we do that we spend a lot of time recapitulating what we had forgotten or what drifted out of our system.

Sporadic effort does not fasten or bind things within our system.

Consistency with Effort and Super Effort is the Highest Currency

The magic combination of all, tis to combine considerable efforts and super efforts with consistency, this is such a formidable combination, that it smashes through barriers and rockets one towards one’s goals.

It wins many merits and softens the hearts of the Gods you wish to help us. This is because such a combination reaches the heart and causes the heart to sing out and move us. The sincerely of the heart wins the hearts of many beautiful forces that sincerely wish to always help us, no matter who we are and what we have done.

End (1739).

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