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Sunday 28 May 2017

Fantasy Drains Intellectual Energy and Ruins the Mind - (1737)

From an Esoteric and Scientific Point of View

Fantasising is not very good for the human machine. 

This is because it drains the energy of the intellectual and emotional centres. It actually substantially drains the energy of these centres. It is very common to feel like a slight ache and tiredness or emptiness in our intellectual centre (head and brain) after having spent some time fantasising.  

Wrong Energies

For our human machine to keep working it requires energy, however the energy levels in the human machine have been depleted somewhat and require topping up. This topping up of the human machine's energy levels is done by taking energy from the sexual centre which is the human machine's fundamental energy source.

This topping up of the intellectual and emotional centre from the sexual centre is actually detrimental as this causes the intellectual and emotional centres to function with fuel that is not of the appropriate grade. It is just the same as putting the wrong fuel into our car and that adversely affects the car's engine. So in effect fantasy puts pressure on the human altering the way it functions, forcing the centres to function with a fuel that does not pertain to them.

Affects Our Brain

Because fantasy is outside of reality, fantasy causes our brain to make intense efforts to adapt to the new apparent reality. Intense efforts are required on the behalf of our brain to do this. Especially if the fantasy is way outside of our own reality.

Recover After Fantasising

The best thing to do after fantasising is to carry out a practice of mental silence. That is sit down and make your best effort to not engage in any kind of thinking. To notice all the thoughts with alertness and then to disengage from the thinking process. See the thoughts arise but do not go with them. Let them go from instant to instant!

This will save energy in the human machine and balance our brain and mind. This is also because, our consciousness comes into activity and it aligns us with reality, as it is the real and perceives the real and aligns with the real.

End (1737).

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