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Thursday 4 May 2017

How is Your Trust? – (1691)


My marvellous missionary has been speaking about trust as a value of our inner Being for quite some time now.

The more I listen, the more I see that we human beings have issues with trust in many different areas of our life. This makes me to understand that if we were to develop trust, this one action would make a profound impact on our life in not only one area but many!

An Important Widespread Value

Trust is something called upon in nearly every area of our life, not only sometimes, but daily. Its opposite distrust, is also very present in our daily life. It is behind many decisions, attitudes, behaviours and feelings.

Driving Your Car

Imagine the situation of you driving your car down the street. How times do you trust in just this one simple action?

Many times right? We trust the car manufacturer that they have made a machine that is not going to blow up or become uncontrollable, we trust in the brakes, in the steering system, we trust in the earth to hold us up and not to allow us to sink, we trust in others to see us and to obey the traffic rules and signals, we trust in our own eyesight, we trust in our reflexes and we trust arms and legs etc. There are really so many things that we actually trust in.

Key of Human Trust is: “What Brings a Result”

Basically in human terms we trust in what brings us a result. We trust in something especially when its track record has brought favourable results.

More Absolute Octave of Trust

We can transfer this trust into the esoteric field, however trust as a value of the Being, is totally free and is outside of relativity and duality and so trust radiates in the Being/Monad irrespective of the result. This is a difficult point for the mind to understand. This is because this is a more absolute octave of trust.

The real trust that is a value of our Being trusts in both outcomes, if it is good and if it is bad.

Anyway What Really Matters to Us?

What matters to us is to get to trust. Yes, and so how do we go about that? Well, first we can obtain for ourselves an understanding of trust and then search thorough our life for all our instances of distrust.

With these two parts: understanding of trust as a value and the understanding and experience of our distrust we can contrast the two and arrive at the consciousness of trust.

I am going to write more about this in the subsequent posts.

To be continued… in (1692).

End (1691).

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