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Thursday 25 May 2017

Inner Man and Outer Man – (1730)

Two Men

There dwell within each one of us two men or two women. The inner and the outer.


The outer is the personality and the body and the likes and dislikes of the body and the personality. The impulses and desires of the body and the senses are the what rule the outer man.

For example, pleasures of all kinds, and normal sex are of the outer man. As are working out, eating, shopping, drinking, dressing up, etc.


The inner is what we are interested in cultivating. The inner man is that in us that dwells in the consciousness prevailing over our inner processes. The inner man is the one in us that works for eh real Being in us. It is the one who cares for and manages the values. It is the one that works to enhance them.

The inner man adopts supra sexuality, which is based in transmutation, because the inner man knows that it is what develops the Being in him or her.

End (1730).

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