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Monday 15 May 2017

Lack of Trust – (1711)

A lack of a value in us is what creates psychological needs.

These needs that we have show us, if we know how to read them, what values we actually lack.

The lack of trust produces a lot security seeking, a lot of assurance seeking, a lot of connecting to make sure things are ok and also a lot of controlling.

If we can't solve the lack in us, we come to expect to receive what we lack from others. And we get angry as well when others don't notice or comply with these expectations.

How do we solve the whole situation?

These are the steps:

1.)    Know what value we lack that is producing the need
2.)    Decrease the processes that are the opposite of the value.
3.)    Cultivate the value.

There are various steps or stages involved in cultivating a value. Every value in life has a true nature.

End (1711).

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