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Monday 8 May 2017

Process of Death – (1697)


I was sitting next to my Uncle last night while he was watching a little bit of TV and all of a sudden I began to feel something coming from him.

He has lung cancer at the moment and is quite old, 89.

I began to feel the process of death. And was so surprised about what I felt and what followed for me.

What Emanated from Him

I felt that he is detaching from life altogether, it is like he is entering a wide tunnel that has nothing to do with the matters of life, of accumulating, of worrying about what people think, of worrying about the future, of resenting the past. It was a tunnel that is of a higher vibration, that is something that is lighter and something that is clearer and something that has nothing to do with life.

Not So Scary – But Something Natural

It really didn’t feel scary. I was impacted with the realisation that he is really dying and that can not be reversed or delayed now. It felt calming, relieving and enlightening as well as liberating. It is like to embark upon a universally mystical journey almost like a holiday, where you can forget about life totally and all its problems. No more complicated relations, no more difficult words and impressions to transform and deal with, no more pain, it was fine really, totally perpendicular to life and its accumulating, complicating and horizontal trappings.

There seems to be no fear involved in dying, it is quite different. It is to be in the superior worlds for a while, just the same as we know ourselves to be but without body. The only thing is that we have to come back. It would be good to die now and leave these problems behind but the ego is still there in us. We have to dissolve it here having the physical body.

Having the ego is what keeps us coming back here time and time again. So the conclusion is we have to die in it now and finish with the problem of having it!

End (1697).

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