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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Raise the Level of Your Being to Be Closer to the Being in You – (1742)


It makes sense doesn’t it that the higher is our level of Being the closer we are to our inner Being.
Our level of Being fluctuates many times during the day. At one moment speaking for example to a co-worker our level of being can drop. When praying and meditating it rises.

If we can keep it higher through right thinking, feeling and acting we can drawer closer to our Real Being.

There are keys to help us to do this. One key is to watch the elements that throw our level of being downwards the most. Read on for the specifics.

Egos that Disconnect the Most from Our Being

Which Ones?

Lust and Pride.


Because they keep the level of the being low in us.

End (1742).

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