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Monday 8 May 2017

Start Shaking and Feel Awful or Imagine and Will the Positive and Feel Fine – (1700)

A Key

There is a trick that if you are worried about a certain upcoming event. Use your imagination and your will to project the positive ahead of time into the event and when in the event continue using your imagination and will to maintain the positive.

Forget it! Don't be like driftwood in the circumstances of life! Be there using your will to generate
optimism and a positive interior state. Be in control of yourself, not necessarily in control of everyone
and the all proceedings. But in control of your interior state - most definitely!!!

Mobilising Imagination and Will has Profound Effects

When we mobilise our imagination and will in such a way, it has profound inner effects. It has the power to displace completely our worries and fears and bring solar optimism into our interior. Then we can really fulfil the statement that we are authors of our own destiny or future.

Future is Built on Today’s Decisions

The decisions we make obviously determine our future. So if we decide today to use our imagination and will to project and move the positive, we are obviously deciding something and that decision is setting up the future.

When we don’t even decide this way to project the positive we are already lunar victims of circumstances. In such as case we just throw ourselves onto the ocean of life to be tossed around like driftwood.

End (1700).

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