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Sunday 18 June 2017

Carefully and Intently Watch Your Attention - (1781)

Attention and Identity

Awakening and using our consciousness is about attention and identity.

Watch Our Attention

Watching where our attention goes and choosing to focus our attention on our interior (psychology) points us in the direction of awakening.

Maintaining our attention on our psychology in order for certain (often small) insight and realizations to be made leads to mini awakenings which over time form one's psychological awakening.

Identity of the Consciousness

Always choosing the identity of the consciousness also leads to awakening.

Definition is about Identity

Definition for anything is about identity. When one's identity changes one becomes defined. As soon as one's identity is the consciousness, one's definition to awaken begins to form.

An example: as soon as one assumes the identity of a mother or a father one begins to be defined to fulfill the role of mother or father, and once defined one acts as a father or mother.


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