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Monday 12 June 2017

Feel Like You are Not Doing Anything? Search for a Gymnasium – (1768)

You May Need a New Gymnasium

It could be that you need a new gymnasium in your life. One of course that you can handle and that you can work through. Not one that will overwhelm and squash you. If you ask your inner Divine Mother she has the power to help you in that field.

We can wait for a gymnasium to come to us or we can go to it and meet it!

This one is for you Turkey!

Create Some Goals and Make it Your Purpose to Fulfil Them

You can create some goals and make it your commitment to work towards achieving them. NO matter what happens you do something towards achieving those goals everyday.

We basically need to get up in the morning feeling terrific about the work we are going to do that day. 

We have to have a purpose in our work otherwise we can get depressed, despondent, low and cold in our work. So work towards something that you love and work by the love of it and by the love of the work. Not for the result because that will disappoint you!

The wise key is to set small and very achievable goals at first and then wisely increase them.

End (1768).

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