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Thursday 8 June 2017

Gnostic Definition of Subconsciousness – (1760)


Subconscious is to be distracted. It is to be inattentive. It is to have something in our background that does not have anything to do with what we have in front of us or are living in the moment. Need and Belief We need and believe in the ego. Now we are going to need the essence and the Bering, and believe in the essence and the Being.

Our subconscious is our major impediment. We have to come to know our subconscious so that we distinguish between it and the consciousness.

When we pray what happens is that light from the Being comes to us and penetrates into our subconscious. Then we are able to see certain things of the subconscious.

The first step to change is to change our way of thinking. We can't change otherwise. The fractioning of the consciousness is one of the main-reasons for the existence of hypnosis inside of us and therefore the subconscious. Subconscious and hypnosis go exactly hand in hand.

End (1760).

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