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Tuesday 27 June 2017

Guardian of the Threshold – (1796)


We know from Master Samael that a person’s path begins with the test of the Guardian of the Threshold.

Part of the Being

Believe it or not the Guardian of the Threshold that we face in this test is a part of our Being. Master Samael says that it is a representation of ourselves summing up all of our interior ugliness.

Encounter With Ourselves

It is an encounter with ourselves, with the ugly side of ourselves and the ugly side of our inner Being. But don’t worry the path is going to transform it.

It is a test to see if we can face ourselves, accept the ugly side of ourselves and defeat ourselves. To see if we face our own creations, and stand up to the hypnotic power that one has wrongly over the years given their egos through the wrong us of the sexual energy.

Triple Aspect

Furthermore, the Guardian of the Threshold unfolds into three. It has its triple aspects. They are the astral, mental and causal aspects. The causal is the most difficult. The mental and causal guardians are faced much later in the path at a big distance from the first guardian of the astral. This is because these two aspects of the guardian: mental and causal are more profound and more powerful as they are at the source or closer to the origin of our interior errors and ugliness etc.

Those that Pass

Those that pass can proceed to the next stage. Sometimes one may not know that one has passed. If one has been in Gnosis a long time and is really loving it and is working enthusiastically on him or herself and is getting results. One can be sure that one has passed that test somewhere along the way.
Naturally those that pass have the capacity to face themselves and see to the root cause of their difficulties in their thoughts and emotions and do not evade their responsibility for their difficulties. Those that pass open a door way into themselves where they can seek the cause of the many things that happen I their life and the many thoughts and emotions within themselves.

Those that Fail

Those that fail, I have been told have another chance. Maybe up to two more chances I have heard (maybe true or not). Those that fail must work more intensely in self-observation, self-deception, work on being more honest with themselves, stop blaming others and look for the truth behind all of their problems, difficulties and sufferings. Also, one must transmute their sexual energies. Losing their sexual energy one has no chance.

If one has not passed one day one starts to dislike the work on themselves and becomes an enemy of Gnosis. All the enemies of Gnosis are usually those who failed in the work. They for some reason failed, found it too hard and so they seek like a consolation in debasing and making out Gnosis is a false because then if it is false they have not failed. Unfortunately, they do not realise that this behaviour brings misfortune onto them because in the process they could mislead many sincere souls who could have otherwise found the light.

End (1796).

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