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Monday 19 June 2017

Believe in Work Not in Waiting for Magic to Happen! – (1785)

Work is Magic

We can’t wait for a magic thing to happen, that is for our inner Being to come down here and do something magical to make us start to dissolve our egos, we have to work and make it happen. We take a step and our inner Being takes a step. Our work is what makes the magic of our inner Being taking a step towards us.

No Work – Then Dreams Begin

That is what happens with the Catholics, their beliefs are really unrealistic because they have forgotten the work. They believe that by doing nothing or talking to a priest that they will win entrance into heaven.

How can you think that when in life everyone has to work hard and even the Catholics have worked hard for what they have. How come they think that the same does not apply to heaven when heaven is part of life and the universe as well? They think this way simply because they do not have any idea of the spiritual or psychological kind of work. No work then fantasy and unrealistic thinking has to enter to fill the void, and unfortunately such deviations from reality produce self-deception and more fantasy and mislead people!

End (1785).

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