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Friday 23 June 2017

Separation, Separation, Separation – (1792)


When working with the death of ego the most critical step is Separation. Once there is separation everything flows on from there.

When there is no separation there is struggling and more struggling. Our major difficulties with the dissolution of the ego come from the lack of separation.

If we are having trouble we need to direct all of our forces into the work of separation. Precisely into capturing the profound understanding that we are not that ego that is bothering us.

Separation is an Experience

Separation is the realisation of our consciousness that we are not the ego that bothers us. That it is a fragment of our psychology – a real psychological person within us. It is a voice within a psychological space that is not us.

We are not the voice in our mind, we are not our mind and we are not our thoughts and we are not our body, we are the awareness backdrop in which all of this plays out onto and unfolds onto. We are the light and the screen that all these forms appear on.

When we experience this, we are set, separation follows. The practice that I gave in a previous post is very useful in arriving at this experience that we are separate from the bothersome ego. We are our whole life, we are wider and ampler than the ego, it is a small fraction of our life. Addiction is the blowing up of that ego into areas of our life where it should not be.

Can Dissolve what is Separate

Only when we separate the ego from us, can we offer it up for dissolution. When it is part of us and joined to us and fused in us, offering it up for dissolution means offering ourselves up and it hurts and we resist and resist and it is futile and ineffective.


Separation is very powerful and mandatory for elimination of the ego as well we getting better and overcoming the ego.

End (1792).

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