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Tuesday 13 June 2017

Stuffed Up? Take Hope and Fight Again! - (1771)

Power of Hope

If you have stuffed up, then hope is your power that to fix yourself up and rise again. Hope is a very powerful force in us!

Precisely in these moments when we have stuffed up, does hope draw its greatest power in us. It is there in us for these moments as an aid to help us get up again and fight again!

Hope can dispel fear and worries and open the way to a green and sunny future. That is the hope living in the heart combined with the sincere yearning and sincere efforts to fulfil that hope, so to pay for and dissolve in us what caused the errors.

Hope is powerful, it is something that dwells in our essence, calms us and brings us force and optimism to fight again!

To hell with the negativity that "I can't do it, I have failed so many times etc.". Chose hope and optimism and take the path of even renewed effort, concentration and reliance in our interior Divinity for them to help us make possible what we hope for!

Start hoping and acting on that hope! My marvellous missionary says that there is hope and then there is reality, and the work is the bridge between the two! So HOPE and WORK! HOPE and WORK! HOPE and WORK!

End (1771).

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