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Thursday 15 June 2017

Sublimation Implies Prayer – (1776)

Prayer Sends

Prayer has the power and is a means to send our transmuted energy to our inner Being.

Why Dissatisfied? Because the Being is not in the Equation

A person who is dissatisfied with lust and the normal means and procedures of sex will find that the reason why this is because he or she is not sublimating their transmuted energy.

Only what is of the Being brings to us peace and a contentment that feels like it has an eternal quality to it. So to feel that peace and contentment in relation to sexual energy, sex and sexuality one must look to the Being in us. Anything outside of that is pain or dissatisfaction, lack, loss, confusion, empty etc.

We must find our own way to sublimate our sexual energy and do it. The main thing is that the sexual energy that we transmute finds it way with our consciousness back opt the Being in us. We may feel the transmuted energy it reaching our interior heights where our inner Being dwells or we may not, we may feel much heat in our system one day and the next we may not, but what we must always feel is the yearning to use the transmuted energy as a way to link and fuse with our inner Being. That yearning comes from your understanding, your consciousness and your previous sublimations where you have done exactly that.

End (1776).

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