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Monday 17 July 2017

Don’t Say you Love Your Being if You Don’t Love Your Sexual Energy - (1829)

Sexuality is About Origins

Sexuality always gives rise to origin. It is about the original point of departure. With sexuality we encounter our origin – our physical origin and also our inner origin. When we work inwardly with our sexual energy we encounter our inner origins and that is we have to encounter our inner Being with our transmutation.

To love our sexual energy is to love our origin and that origin is our inner Being.

Conclusion - Don’t Lie to Yourself

If you love your Being and you don’t love your sexual energy, you don’t love your inner Being!

Because your sexual energy takes you to Him and is His envoy, it is His gift to you, it has been gifted to you for you to use to take yourself back to Him!

To say you love your inner Being and yet waste your sexual energy is a blatant lie to yourself.

End (1829).

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