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Monday 10 July 2017

Say you Dissolve Lust What is Going to Replace it? - (1817)


First of all, this question can only truthfully be answered by someone who has dissolved lust. So, we are talking about someone who is at the top of the second mountain or very close to it.

However, we can get a bit of an idea about it. This post is just a bit of an idea.

General Answer

The general answer to this question is that one would have the essence trapped in the various egos of lust that make up the defect of lust, return to his or her essence and consciousness.

In the essence that returns and joins the already free percentage of consciousness that the person has, there would be many values of our Being, that while they were trapped in lust were functioning in a conditioned way.

So, then the way that we can answer this question in a particular way would be to mention the values that would return to our essence in a free and unconditioned state.

Particular Answer

Function of Sexuality Restored

As one dissolves lust the function of sexuality is gradually given over to the Being in the person. Gradually the Being inside the person and even the essence of the person directs the processes related to sexuality within the person.

Due to the presence of unfulfilled desires and curiosities people do not surrender their sexuality to their inner Being. They hold onto the ego’s use of sexuality because they believe that is the only way that those desires will be fulfilled.

In the above cases, the remedy is to transmute or transform those desires and trust in one’s inner Being and surrender the issue at the centre of those desires to find them in one’s inner Being. Make it an issue between yourself and your Being.

Remember it is not really sensations that a person wants but something more emotional behind them. Find that emotional lack or need or something that seeks fulfillment and you will have the lever with which to do something real in this regard.


For certain as with any ego that we begin to dissolve, we liberate energy. The more we dissolve and ego the more energy we have available to do altruistic things and many other things for that matter. You may find that as you work on the egos of lust you naturally have more time for others, you become more altruistic and help others and are overall happier and have more energy to practice, read, study, pray even exercise the body to keep it healthy.

Karma Paid

The more we work on the egos of lust of course the more we pay the karma that these egos have caused us to accumulate.

The suffering we go through while dissolving these egos is the payment of the karma related to these egos. The lack of progress when we try hard, the frustration, the suffering for having these egos etc. is part of that karmic payment.

If we don’t pay that karma now by dissolving these egos we will have to pay it at one point and with involuntary pain, which is always much worse. It is always easier to pay things voluntarily.


When we dissolve an ego we free space up in our psychology, our mind, our emotions and our life. This space is then filled with the essence and with activities in our life that are productive, positive and usually are about working more on ourselves for humanity i.e. the three factors.

If you are unhappy with your work, work hard on dissolving any ego, lust is very good, and when you weaken it naturally you will have more space and energy to improve your work.


If follows on logically that when you work on any ego because you free energy, will, space, mind, emotion and word you will naturally free up time.

This new free time or spare time can be used intelligently to work in the three factors. When we have more essence we want to naturally use it and that means work on ourselves by making good use of the time that we have.


When hypnotised by the egos of lust we think that the procedures and results of lust will make us happy. But the universal truth of everyone is that it does not. It may yes for a very short while but soon after it does not.

Lust is about getting things that can not satisfy us and so it searches for more and more all the while it is never satisfied. We can not be satisfied with the things that lust provides or gets. This dissatisfaction drives the person and makes the person a salve and that is what causes everyone who is in this predicament tremendous suffering.


Lust keeps us on the surface of ourselves, It does not permit us to enter deep into ourselves. Even in lust driven relationships both parties do not know each other. They only know a bit about the body of the other and just the feelings the sensations in their body and the accompanying emotions.

So then, it is the same inside of ourselves. With lust we are forced to remain on the surface of ourselves and our life. It is difficult to concentrate much less turn our sights inwardly and travel within to investigate our psychology or converse with the intimate parts of our consciousness or own selves.

Also, lust does not stop from bringing conflict within oneself and within one’s three brains. With conflict there can be no intimacy and no introspection. Just as it happens in relationships while there is conflict there is no intimacy.


Naturally peace will invade the person as they are now more inline with the ways, truths and principles of their inner Being and of course the work and the Law.

Being inline with these three things is what brings peace which is the absence of worry. It is actually trust, because when we are inline we can trust that nothing unexpected unfortunate to ‘bad’ is going to happen to us.


Lust is about lying all the time. To ourselves and to others. Lust tells us so many lies and we are stupid enough to believe them. When we work on the egos of lust, the first thing we are going to do is stop believing the lies of lust. As we do that we are being honest with ourselves, honest and realistic I would say.

With less lust to cover and protect we are going to be more honest with others.


Obviously as a natural consequence of being more honest, more intimate with ourselves we are going to cultivate more connection with ourselves.

When we are more in tune or connected or more in touch with the deeper parts of our selves such as our own essence we can connect to the same in others and the deeper the part we connect with others the deeper the connection.

The essence to essence connection is the deepest connection that two people can have. That is what I would call connection. If you are in touch with your essence, that is you connect to it regularly and know it and can bring it to the forefront of your psychology you can use it to connect to another person’s essence. But if you do not connect to your essence it is difficult to connect to another person’s essence and so you can only connect personality to personality or ego to ego and that is superficial and fraught with pain, misunderstandings and difficulties.

Lust blocks the essence and so does not allow a deep connection with ourselves and others.

More Interiorization

With more connection, more honesty, more space and energy we can travel deeper within ourselves. With less of the egos of lust ego providing a barrier to stop us from connecting to ourselves we can finally travel deeper within ourselves beyond the surface.

Less Self-Deception

Self-deception is about believing the lies that the ego tells us. It is also about knowing that something is not right and then covering it up to ourselves, making ourselves believe that it will be ok when we know deep down that it is not.

The more we dissolve lust the more this activity of making ourselves fall asleep into the hypnotic processes of lust will disappear.

Less Subconscious

All the lies, ideas, concepts, fantasies, images and strange things come from our subconscious, As we work on lust we will encounter them and know them. As we know them they will become more worked on and they will be taken from the subconscious and as we transform them they will become light.

Lust relies on the subconscious a lot. The history, the past, the jokes, the strategies, the hidden intentions, the seductions, the words of double meaning, the looks, the ways of dressing, the ways of walking, speaking, acting etc.

Less Desire

The central point of lust is desire isn’t it? That is what compels the mind to think and the emotions and actions to feel and act. The desire is what obsesses and fixates people.

Remember desire fulfils the function of fulfilling a lack or a need. We have the desire to acquire what we feel we lack.

Filling those lacks from within, that is in our essence and in our Being, finding a way within ourselves to do it we can gradually make the desire to fill those lacks redundant. Then desire begins to lose its function and diminishes.

With less desire there is freedom and peace and a calm control over oneself.

Will Increased

With less desire we have more will. This is because desire is conditioned will. With more will several doors are open to do marvellous things.

Conclusion: Choose!

Seeing a little bit of what we can get from working on the dissolution of the egos of lust, naturally and logically we are presented within our consciousness with a choice: turn away and forget or embrace and walk forward.

Even if we don’t want to choose, we still chose. Forgetting about having to choose is a choice. Look at all the benefits of dissolving lust and then look at lust and with the contrast be conscious, be informed and know what you are choosing. Happiness, peace, freedom, order or pain, fear, anxiety, shame, regret etc.

End (1817).

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