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Sunday 23 July 2017

Sentimental About Cremation? – (1842)

Well Don’t Be and Why Not to Be

We may be sentimental when it comes to cremating a loved one. Of course, for many reasons, one being that we think that it will hurt the deceased one or that them being buried keeps them closer or nearer to us, and there are many other reasons that go along the same lines.

From the sentimental point of view these reasons are in accordance with the common sentimental ways of thinking and feeling that are often not practical, and are also often not fully true.

From the esoteric point of view these reasons are strange. Esoterically speaking, these reasons don’t stand to benefit the essence of the deceased person.

For the reasons being that fire is a liberating agent. Fire acts on the body of the deceased to release the energy and spiritual components remaining within the body to be absorbed by the essence of the deceased. Fire sends frees the essence of the deceased so that it can travel freely into the superior worlds if that is its appointed destiny.

Fire acting on the body of the deceased liberates the essence of the deceased and allows it without further delay to fulfil its destiny as a soul.

The body is like a magnet that in some way attracts the essence for a while after death. The body being buried also keeps the personality more alive. The personality of the deceased person perishes in time but it can live on for several years after the death of the body. Having the body buried is like the home for the personality it continually gravitates back to the body, and this allows people to feel that the deceased person is still around and then this generates thoughts and emotions that travel and affect the essence of the deceased in a way that does not help the essence of the deceased.


Don’t you think having the essence free to travel to the lighter, happier and illuminated regions of the cosmos is kinder? Isn’t not delaying the journey of that essence that we loved so much is kinder? The essence without a physical body is completely spiritual and there is no point in trying to tie it down to a world that it does not belong to.

End (1842).


  1. Yes it is. Fire does purify and the attachments that the ego cultivated with the body are broken faster

  2. Thank you for this
