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Sunday 30 July 2017

Transforming Jealousy Wins You A friend - (1856)

Ill-Will of Jealousy

Jealousy has this aspect to it, that it develops a negative attitude towards the person whom it sees as a threat. For example, a jealous wife would develop ill-will towards another lady that her husband is friends with.

Note, jealousy is an “I” that works equally as well in both men and women.

Focus of Jealousy

Jealousy remains focused on the person that it is in a relationship with. For example, the jealous wife only focuses on her husband and from this stand point begins to attack the person considered as a threat. If this position is changed something can shift.

Stepping Out of this Standpoint and Talk

If the jealous person genuinely talks to the person (not telling them to go away and never come back, but talk with the genuine intention of befriending or to get to know the person) considered as a threat, then a new understanding can be attained which can be very beneficial to the person identified with their jealousy.

Getting to know the person considered as a threat, one can see the person as a person and not as ‘a threat’, and furthermore one can see that the ill-will of jealousy is not really warranted as the person may be a good person and genuinely may not be interested in ruining things between you and your partner, and getting in the way and stealing away the affections of your partner and holding first place among your partner’s affections. Which is the main preoccupation or concern of jealousy.

If Devious

If the other person is quite devious then talking to that person, so as to get to know the person opens things up. It will have the effect of shedding much light onto the subconscious of all involved and it will dispel many subconscious elements such as wrong perceptions, erroneous thought processes, expectations and concepts.

It will allow the other person to see you as a person with feelings and love for the partner and that will make he/she (the one who is devious) to reflect that what he or she is doing will lead to something that will be very detrimental and cause much pain.


It is very hard to go against a friend then go against someone that you don’t like. Really, if we transform jealousy we can win a friend in the other person considered as a threat.

That is one benefit of working on jealousy. You can win a good friend that will be a good source of help and support for many years to come. And that does not mean that the new friend will be close to your partner. IT would mean that the person would be close to you and leave your partner be.

End (1856).

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