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Sunday 20 August 2017

Don’t Feel Better than Others! - (1890)

Not Correct!

It is certainly not right to feel better than other human beings! Truly in all reality it is not correct!


Because we are all the same! We are intrinsically all the same.
If human beings have the same knowledge as we do they will reap the benefits as will any other human being.

I say this because I recently came across sincere people trying hard to change and the knowledge they have liberated is the Gnostic knowledge (not fully though but nearly all there). This is because, Gnosis is the natural function of the consciousness and if one uses one's consciousness one agrees with the knowledge of the consciousness (Gnosis). 
Mate! That is the wrong way to think! Tell me! If we are all essences and the essence possesses all the qualiities
and values why does a human being feel superior to another? Personality, ego, mind right?

Not True

Pride and our sleeping condition lead us to believe that we are intrinsically better. But that is certainly not true. 
As master Samael says a sign of our internal progress is when we stop feeling better or superior to others.
If you think it is still true just ask your mind, in what ways am I as a Gnostic student or missionary better intrinsically, inherently in essence or Being than say another human being, who may or not be studying Gnosis?
Ask the mind to be specific and then carefully shed light on its answers discerning between truth and falsehood.
End (1890).

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