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Wednesday 9 August 2017

Lesson from the Fourth Labour of Hercules – (1872)

Upward and Inward Redirection of Amorous Currents

“In the name of truth I must confess frankly and openly that the Fourth Labour turned out to be tremendously easy for me; however I had to pass through a delicate test.

In an old park of the city I saw myself talking to a noble lady; somebody that was doubtless a great friend.

We were sitting very close on a bench, feeling a great mutual love. For an instant we appeared to be lovers, but... Suddenly I remembered my Divine Mother Kundalini! Then I diverted this current of love towards the interior and upper regions, towards my adorable Mother...

At that instant I said with all the strength in my soul: "This love is for my Mother!...''.

In this way Hercules diverted the course of a river so that its waters would flood the Stables of Augeas. (Let those who have understanding understand, because here there is Wisdom).”

V.M Samael Aun Weor from the book “Three Mountains”

End (1872).

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