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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Look Through Your Window and See the Joy of the Solar Logos Entering You - (1895)

Breathe in His Rays and Allow them to Penetrate into you!

Open yourself in mind and heart and allow the warmth and joy of the Sun’s rays to enter into you.

Imagine and feel the rays joyfully penetrating into the atoms of your organs. Illuminating, healing, harmonising, balancing and ordering them.

Making the Atoms of Your Body and Liver Joyful and Happy to be Alive!

As the Solar Logos is everything that sustains life His force will sustain life in us, down to our atoms.

Imagine the atoms in your liver and organs happy to be alive! Feel them happy to fulfil their function.
Try not to look into your own mind where there is you know what... but through the window to see the light!

Happy to Be Alive is the Feeling of Our Essence!

If the feeling of our Essence is the joy to be alive then so will the atoms of our body feel the joy to be alive.
This is because they are one part out of three consciousness as well, and the consciousness feels the joy to be alive!
End (1895).

1 comment:

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