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Sunday 27 August 2017

Points on Fear Applied to the Fear of Blood - (1908)

We are Not Afraid of the Thing but of the Consequences

This is a point that my marvellous missionary has mentioned many times. So then applying this point, we see that one is not scared of blood really, or seeing the organ, or the needle, or the scalpel or the medical procedure but the consequences involved with it.

Such consequences we see are physical pain, discomfort, adverse effects, diseases, infections, being sick, etc. etc.

If the needle didn’t have any consequences, no pain, no side effects we wouldn’t be scared of it.
Knowing this helps actually. Don’t you feel that it does? We are not scared of blood or organs or bones. This teaching or point directs us more accurately to the cause of fear.

Fear is Due to Karma of Pride where Something was Transgressed

Fear is often due to some law having been transgressed and we suffer the consequences and then we feel pain and then we feel rejection and aversion and then fear develops.

So what could the consequences be that are still alive in one’s psyche that make one feel fear of blood, organs and bones?

If one does not have this fear one feels ok or neutral seeing blood, organs and bones. So one must have done something in the past or suffered something in relation to blood, organs and bones where the consequences were grave or very serious.

Accept the Unacceptable

Within fear there is the factor of nonacceptance. As long as one can not accept something fear will be present.

To work on fully accepting the fact that we blood, organs and bones and that these things allow us the life that we have helps. It is difficult actually, to get scared of something that you have fully accepted.
One must also accept that medical procedures are the way they are right now and that they can hurt and that they can go so-so etc. But we can trust though in that the intention is always there for them to go well and for us to be better afterwards.

When we reject we are automatically scared! You reject a person you will also be scared of them! Simple as that!

I am observing, as long as we cringe at such a sight and think these instruments are awful we have this fear alive! KRIM!

Subconscious Thinks Negatively

Even if we don’t want to and we are thinking positively what is stronger in us the subconscious until we have an equal amount of consciousness.

Just as our mind thinks, our subconscious thinks but on more submerged levels of which we may not be able to see. However, the thoughts occurring on those deeper levels of our own mind affect our instinctive centre and consequently our emotional and motor centres.

We have to get access to the negative thought processes occurring in the subconscious, understand them, disprove them and progressively weaken them

There is Distrust

There is distrust in all fears and phobias. The distrust here is in the doctors, in the technology uses, in medical science, in life and in the body and in the Being. One does not trust that the doctors are there to make us feel better and we don’t trust that their knowledge is enough to treat us and we don’t trust that they can helps us. We protest why they use needles, scalpels, and all sorts of intrusive instruments. WE think that they really don’t care or are out to harm us.

There is beautiful humility in trusting! In this case to trust requires that we have humility. To be in a hospital is karma for pride. We need when we are in hospital to develop humility.

We distrust in the body’s ability to heal and get better and we distrust in our Being for exposing us to this and making us suffer. But that is wrong we did it to ourselves and the Being in us is the re supplying its life force and power of being. It is not there to hurt us. It is there to supply us life, consciousness, will and being.

End (1908).

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