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Thursday 31 August 2017

The Values That Defeat Death - (1925)


Psychological death and transmutation!


This is no where near my current state. This is really for those at the top of the second mountain and going into the third.

However, it is very good for us to know this because we can work hard with these two things so to accumulate merits and values so to be able to reckon more equally with our own physical death whenever that comes to be.

What does that mean? Besides being a good picture it means: "bloody well
practice what you preach". 


This is because these values are the real and true nature of death.

It is like by having developed, cultivated and most importantly lived these values we have mastered death.

When we are well worked, practiced and lived in psychological death and transmutation it is like we have embodied the spirit of death and so we are like an equal to her. It is like we are a worthy opponent.

It is like in our own microcosmos we are as strong as her in the values of death. So then we face her, fight with her and with the help of our inner Being defeat her so that we can die a death determined by our inner Being and not determined by our own karma giving the orders to Death to take us.

End (1925).

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