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Friday 11 August 2017

Two Fields of Work: Psychological and Spiritual – (1878)

Two Fields

In the field of the work on ourselves there are two fields. They are the fields of psychology and spirituality.

Dependent – Must Advance Side by Side

They are very well related.

They must be worked on together and advance side by side. Just like ‘being’ and ‘knowing’.

If we ignore one over the other we become unbalanced and run into difficulty.

Very similar to the case of the ‘stupid saint’ who has developed ‘being’ more than ‘knowing’ and the rascal who has developed ‘knowing’ more than ‘being’.

We must not ignore one of them.

Of course, one, given certain circumstances, personal needs or stages of life maybe more helpful than the other, i.e. the psychological may help more than the spiritual and vice versa.

How They Relate

One comes from the other and one supports the other. They feed back off each other. A mutual nourishing reciprocal relationships exists between them. This relationship is inherent and must be known, respected and cultivated.

From the Spiritual Comes the Psychological

Our essence is the space of our psychology. Take away our essence, take away our psychology.

Our essence is something spiritual and psychological at the same time.

Because we have a Spirit (Being) we have an essence. Our essence unfolds from our inner Being. Working upon our essence or psychology is the same to work upon our Being or Spirit. This is because our Being is in our essence.

The Spiritual Gives Meaning to the Psychological

The spiritual is the aim of the psychological. The spiritual transforms the psychological into the ontological.

Without the spiritual the psychological would reach a ceiling. A natural limit.

The dissolution of the ego is impossible without spiritual help, that is the help of the Divine Mother.

Without spiritual motivations and knowledge, the complete dissolution of lust is not possible. One must know about transmutation and sublimation. A person who does not transmute but works on lust psychological will undo much of the good work that they accomplish with their psychological work on lust.

The Psychological Enhances and Leads to the Spiritual

With the psychological one frees more of the psyche and one awakens psychologically. Making one ready to awaken esoterically or spiritually.

With more of our psyche free the spirit in us can guide and manifest in us and through us. This is because the essence is also the space of the Being in us and in the free essence are the values of our Being and the sentiment of the Being.

The Psychological Links the Spiritual to the Physical

The psychological maintains the spiritual and makes the Spiritual real. What is understood and captured in the spiritual, the psychological makes that real here in the world of three dimensions.

The psychological makes one face in the person. That is it unifies the spiritual and the physical. Eradicating the problem of a person who has much spiritual experiences and visions but yet is very egoic here in the world of three dimensions.

Where the Psychological Can’t Help the Spiritual Can

When events, people and circumstances and even aspects of ourselves escape our hands and move into God’s hands. The psychological helps us to see that we must surrender and accept this but nothing more.

The spiritual helps us much more in such situations. With the spiritual one can know, understand and even ask for help from high above to improve the situation or at least know about it. Everything unfolds downwards from the spiritual, so the spiritual is to connect to causes.

For example, when one is sick, and one is not a doctor, one can not do anything. One can work psychotically not to feel fear, or feel angry or frustrated but to actually help. One needs the spiritual work and knowledge.

Through the spiritual work one knows abbot the masters of the Medicine and knows how to pray and can ask for help.

End (1878).

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