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Thursday 31 August 2017

When Yelled at, Don't Create More Fear! - (1923)


Be determined that when you get yelled at fairly or unfairly you are not going to create fear and become scared about doing that or saying that again!

This is how we create many different small fears. That we sooner or later have to eliminate. It is wiser to not create them on the spot.

Rebel Psychologically

Even bring up the same subject again, do the same thing again just not to create that fear. But in balance, if it was a small thing do it again softly. But don't be silly and repeat a very stupid mistake.

Fear Makes us into Liars

It is always better to avoid creating fear. Because fear turns us into liars. Fear is not good for relationships because due to fear we start to hide and keep quiet.

Doing this harms the fearful one more than anything because it limits one's expression and creates a strong inferiority complex in the person because he or she begins after a while to believe that he or she is not good enough for that relationship. Then pride, self-love, self-pity, self-compassion come to join the party and it all spirals downwards from there.

Better to Rebel Psychologically

It is better to rebel psychologically and not create fear! A good lesson learned!

It is much better to be up front and do something wrong in front of everyone and repent than do it in hiding because when it comes out it is always worse.

End (1923).

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